May Contain Lycia
November 2019 - Image Set
How well do you guys know my body? I suspect some of you might know it even better than I do, given the amount of time you spent looking at it eh! This set is something very different to what we normally do here. This is more like 'parts modelling'. We tried to include as many angles as possible, with as much close up detail as possible. You have boobs, legs, knees, thighs, bum, back, arms, hands, feet... all pretty close up and zoomed. If truth be told, I was sunbathing and #GlamourTeaJames was bored so he started snapping away. I then tried to fall asleep but every couple of minutes he kept saying "roll over" or "bend your knee" or "lift that arm" so I gave up in the end and we finished this set. May certainly contain Lycia! Hope you enjoy it - mwa xxx